When you are young and looking to the future you make plans for set goals….and often times those plans include general deadlines. I’ll go to college, graduate, get a good job, get married, and so forth. I remember a friend of mine even laid out her life after high-school by the year. She pinpointed the age she was going to marry, how many kids she was going to have and when, this list went on. It was quite elaborate and entertaining. While my plans were not as specific I did make some general goals hoping to have them completed within a standard timeframe…but they were nothing concrete.
However, without knowing it, I’ve began to set out my own solid timeframe for my plans; giving them deadlines, and elements that need to be done for me to move on to the next step. While you might think that setting plans to reach goals isn’t a big issue, the one point you need to focus on in my statement is that I called them “my” plans. An important element everyone needs to remember is: in your life where do God’s plans for you fall into place with ‘your plans’? True, I prayed about my goals and felt they were the right direction God was leading me, but it was after that step where I went wrong. Instead of just nodding and letting God lead I began to “plan” taking my focus off God’s plan and instead thinking of what “I” could do to speed it along. (*sigh* oh the humanity : / ……Does anyone recall that story of Abraham and Sarah in the Bible rushing to get a kid, because they thought they were getting too old?). -_-
So here I was thinking, “I need to get on the ball and get better job, find a man, etc….so I can start really living”……Wait……Does that mean I’m not really living now?……*pause* Did I just say I wasn’t even living yet, then what have I been doing for 26 years? Talk about a slap in the face.
So what had I been doing? The answer to that is simple; I was worrying about meeting a certain point….worried that God’s plan was taking too long….worried that there was something I could do to make it work out better/faster (can we say face slam on table). Worry, the demon that constantly pulls me around. Where was my mind, I mean 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? - Matthew 6:25 people!! After 25 I had planned on being in a good paying job, moved out of Alabama and maturing in a den of culture; but ‘my plans’ have derailed that. Just like Abraham and Sarah…’my’ plans are giving me more issues than solutions. (nothing God can’t fix though ;) ).
Now I’m not saying I’ve not been enjoying life, because I have; but what I’ve been missing out on is the full overcompensating joy that comes with God and life. When you let go and let God things just seem to fall into place. (Just like with Abraham and Sarah, I’m sure they didn’t “doubt” God would give them a kid; I mean after all they had been through so far. I guess they just thought it was taking him too long (sound familiar)…I thinking that’s a patience issue. LOL To them they expected one when they were younger when it would fit ‘their plans’…but that was their plan not God’s.)
So the point is that sometimes in life you might have your life-plan all mapped out and here you go trucking along your route reading your map, making turns and avoiding delays, but what you don’t realize is that your ‘own guidance’ has left you on the wrong path, possibly on the back roads rather than the highway; or maybe you’ve drifted lanes and are on a collision course with a semi truck on the other side of the road. (watch out!) Either way you need to take your hands off the map and let your copilot give you directions. You just need to drive and focus on living God’s plan and let Him tell you where to go.
Stop stressing on the plans ‘you’ made and just listen to God. He knows what’s best and will often give you the ride of your life. ;P
So put the map down! God is the TomTom of your life. He will tell you when to turn, which direction to go, show you how to re-route to get back on track no matter how many times you stray (turn right ahead, turn right ahead, turn right ahead….lol), and help you get to your “final destination”…. you just have to listen!
So yeah that’s my thought for the day….amazing the realizations I get when I’m in the shower. How about you? Have you been listening to your GodGod (hehehe….I’ll stop)…or following your own map?
Until later